
Λεμόνι GIOELIA Cremeria

Sorbetto al limone, conosciuto come il gusto più dissetante, perfetto per le notti d'estate oppure dopo una cena di pesce.

Un gusto intensamente profumato preparato con succo di limone, fonte di vitamina C.

Αλλεργιογόνα που υπάρχουν στα συστατικά


Allergens are those present in the ingredients, good non-contamination practices are respected during processing, but it is not possible to exclude any cross-contamination between the different flavors during the sale. Allergic people are responsible for their consumption, as they are present in the shop: gluten, milk, soy, peanuts, nuts, eggs.

Συστατικά: νερό, φυσικός χυμός λεμονιού, ζάχαρη, δεξτρόζη, γλυκόζη, μαλτοδεξτρίνη, σταθεροποιητές: κόμμι ξανθάνης, κόμμι γκουάρ, καραγενάνη. άμυλο, γαλακτωματοποιητής: μονο και διγλυκερίδια λιπαρών οξέων, σταθεροποιητής: κόμμι χαρουπιού.
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